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Better Recruitment Decisions

Digital reference checking with Refapp includes a wide variety of features, integrations and customisation options. Here's how it works! 

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Use Refapp in 3 easy steps
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Create your project

Create your project, choose a questionnaire and the language you wish to use in your communication. When you have added your candidates, you can choose to send them a request to submit their referees or add the referees by yourself.

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Referees submit their answers

The referees complete the questionnaire using their computer or smartphone, and you get a notification when answers are submitted.
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The references are collected in a structured and comparable report

Refapp collects the answers in a structured and neat report that you can read and share with colleagues online or download as a PDF.

Improved reference experience, higher response rates and professional reporting

Most often, the references have submitted their answers in less than two days and the insights we collect make for confident hiring decisions. In addition, we get great feedback from both references and clients who appreciate the process.
Marnie Aliviado Director, Business Development BSA Solutions
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Taking the pain out of our reference checking

Recently, we transitioned to a new recruitment software, and it was so easy for us to just switch to their integration with Refapp and continue working with our reference checks just as usual. It couldn’t be any smoother!
Aino Innilä HR business partner Sofigate
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Refapp has allowed us to streamline our process without compromising on quality checks

We are a small HR team who do a lot of hiring. Many of the people we hire are based globally as well as Ireland so trying to find the time to conduct reference checks can be difficult with different time zones. The platform allows us to create role specific reference checks and conduct them at a time that works for the referee. There is the flexibility to send a form or do a call. We have noticed that we have significantly reduced the time to close out our positions and it's given us valuable time back to focus on other priorities.
Linda Farrell Senior People (HR) Manager Distilled


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Customise Refapp

In what ways can you customise Refapp to fit your specific needs? Here are a few of our features.


Privacy Policy & GDPR

Include your privacy policy so that candidates and referees know how you store information and feel secure when using Refapp's system.  Customise and add text to your privacy policy describing the processing of personal data during the reference check.


Choose language

We support communication with candidates and referees in more than 20 languages.


Request referees

You can choose if you want to add referees manually or request the candidate to submit them into Refapp.


Implement user rights

If you work in a large organisation, it’s convenient to set up user rights to different user groups. This makes for a more effective and organised workflow.


Use Refapp with Single Sign On

Refapp supports Single Sign On so you only need to login to the system once. This improves both user experience and security within your organisation.


Security and fraud detection

We store your data encrypted for as long as you wish, and then we delete it automatically. When you use Refapp, the system alerts for suspected fraud in your reference checking and suggests actions you can take.

Integrate Refapp with your ATS 

With our integrations, it is easy to initiate and manage your reference checks within your existing HR software.

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Create your own questionnaires

With our form builder, you can create questionnaires to use in specific projects or create templates to reuse within your organisation. The questions you create are saved so you can drag and drop them into other projects when needed.


Schedule a phone call

If you wish to do a traditional reference check, it is easy to schedule a phone call with the referee via Refapp's calendar booking feature. During the reference check, you can collect your notes in Refapp to keep all of your references at the same place.

Are you interested in a demo of Refapp and see how digital reference checking works?