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Approuver par plus de 1000 entreprises et 20.000 utilisateurs utilise Refapp au quotidien pour mener leurs vérifications de références.

Easy reference checking across different time zones

As a global company, Volvo Group Recruitment gets references from all over the world. Refapp is facilitating our reference checking in different time zones and saves us a lot of time. It is also very appreciated to submit a professional, transparent, and objective report to the Recruiting Manager!
Magdalena Dahlgren Manager, Volvo Group Volvo

Our customers appreciate the structured and professional report

At Jerrie & Maquire, we use Refapp to digitalise our reference checking process. The tool helps us become even more efficient, and it is easier to get in touch with referees, even internationally. The referees appreciate the possibility of being able to provide their answers in writing or by a phone call at an agreed time.
Pierre Sander CEO Jerrie Jerrie

Refapp has allowed us to streamline our process without compromising on quality checks

We are a small HR team who do a lot of hiring. Many of the people we hire are based globally as well as Ireland so trying to find the time to conduct reference checks can be difficult with different time zones. The platform allows us to create role specific reference checks and conduct them at a time that works for the referee. There is the flexibility to send a form or do a call. We have noticed that we have significantly reduced the time to close out our positions and it's given us valuable time back to focus on other priorities.
Linda Farrell Senior People (HR) Manager Distilled

There are more benefits than just efficiency and time savings. We get detailed responses, and the work is more fun for my team

We often say that Refapp continues to work even when we finish our workday. And when we come back the following day, we have the references neatly packaged in a report. The tool makes for a great experience for referees and candidates, and it saves us time!
Nicole Bellman HR Manager, Jollyroom Jollyroom
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Taking the pain out of our reference checking

Recently, we transitioned to a new recruitment software, and it was so easy for us to just switch to their integration with Refapp and continue working with our reference checks just as usual. It couldn’t be any smoother!
Aino Innilä HR business partner Sofigate
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Improved reference experience, higher response rates and professional reporting

Most often, the references have submitted their answers in less than two days and the insights we collect make for confident hiring decisions. In addition, we get great feedback from both references and clients who appreciate the process.
Marnie Aliviado Director, Business Development BSA Solutions
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We have used Refapp for a couple of years, and the tool is now a natural part of our recruitment process at Lernia. Previously, we spent several hours a day struggling to get a hold of referees. Today, we usually have responses within 24 hours. Implementing Refapp has increased our internal efficiency and enabled us to provide feedback to our candidates quicker.
Joakim Karlsson Recruiting Manager, Lernia Lernia
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